Educational Material Swap

Ideal for homeschool families (though all are welcome), Henry County Public Library is hosting an Educational Material Swap. Bring your books, curriculum, learning toys, art supplies, and anything else you’d use to educate students from 0 to 18! The Genealogy Room will be open 12 PM – 3 PM, coffee and tea will be provided, and we encourage you to socialize and build your community!

Messy Science!

Saturday, November 2nd, from 1 PM to 3 PM, learn scientific principles with messy, hands-on activities (the kind you wouldn’t want to do at home)! This program is ideal for homeschoolers and students in grades 4 through 9 (with a few extra activities for younger siblings, just in case). Science activities will require some supervision and spare clothes or smocks are recommended. At 1 PM and 2 PM, learn about … Read More