Teen Crafternoon: Button Bracelets

Wednesday, March 12, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Stop by the Teen Space from 4 to 6 p.m. to explore color theory. Use what you learn to create a button bracelet that represents you. A variety of buttons will be available. This program is for middle and high school students only.

Educational Material Swap

Ideal for homeschool families (though all are welcome), Henry County Public Library is hosting an Educational Material Swap. Bring your books, curriculum, learning toys, art supplies, and anything else you’d use to educate students from 0 to 18! The Genealogy Room will be open 12 PM – 3 PM, coffee and tea will be provided, and we encourage you to socialize and build your community!

Fall Festival


Annual Fall Festival – Family-Friendly!

Summer Storytime


Summer is here, and so is storytime! Keep brains active with good books and related activities, like arts and crafts, movement and music, and science experiments! Miss Lizzie can also incorporate Spanish vocabulary and bilingual books upon request. Storytime meets Fridays at 10AM. All ages and abilities are welcome! And don’t forget to grab a Frequent Storytime Reward card. Visit seven times to win prizes and make special storytime requests!

Art Adventures


To celebrate our summer theme “Adventures Begins at the Library,” Miss Lizzie will host 4 independent adventure camp programs. Sign up for any or all of them! Please see the website linked below to register. These 1-hour sessions are strictly for those entering grades four through nine and require advance registration. Guardians will not participate in the program but are encouraged to remain in the building in the unlikely event … Read More

Storytime Party!


For the past several weeks, we have focused on the elements of a good party: good food, good manners, decorations, dancing, and how to dress. Now it’s time to put those skills to work and throw a party! Friday, April 5th, 10 AM – 11 AM Bring a dish (if you can), and dress in whatever makes you feel the most like YOU! If you’d like to RSVP, leave feedback, … Read More

Learning Depot Story Time

Our Library is pleased to announce a second story time, now offered after school! Please join Miss Sara Beth in the Learning Depot every Tuesday at 4pm for an all-age story time with arts and crafts. Miss Sara has been a staple in the community since childhood and we are honored she’s joined our library, where she is thriving as she takes over some of our children’s programming. She is … Read More

HCPL on YouTube

Did you know your local library has a YouTube channel? All our videos are family-friendly and focus on Story Time, the Learning Depot, and arts and crafts projects. Please check it out here! https://www.youtube.com/@henrycountypubliclibrary-k781/videos