For the third year in a row, Miss Lizzie is bringing back MUSIC DAY! Try out over a dozen musical instruments – no experience is required and all ages are welcome! Saturday, January 25th, 12PM to 3PM. Instruments include: Violin, cello, and double-bass Keyboards and synthesizers Banjo Accordion Flute and clarinet Electric guitar and electric bass And more!
Sensory Friendly Storytime
Help Miss Lizzie develop a sensory-friendly storytime for your neurodivergent littles. Through board books, manipulatives, and more, we will explore our senses of hearing (quietly), touch (by choice), smell (in small doses), and sight. Registration is required, caregivers will be fully involved, and everyone must commit to creating a safe and judgment-free environment. Please register HERE Here is a visual schedule in case your kiddo(s) like to know things ahead of … Read More
Summer Storytime
Summer is here, and so is storytime! Keep brains active with good books and related activities, like arts and crafts, movement and music, and science experiments! Miss Lizzie can also incorporate Spanish vocabulary and bilingual books upon request. Storytime meets Fridays at 10AM. All ages and abilities are welcome! And don’t forget to grab a Frequent Storytime Reward card. Visit seven times to win prizes and make special storytime requests!
Athletic Adventures
To celebrate our summer theme “Adventures Begins at the Library,” Miss Lizzie will host 4 independent adventure camp programs. Sign up for any or all of them! Please see the website linked below to register. These 1-hour sessions are strictly for those entering grades four through nine and require advance registration. Guardians will not participate in the program but are encouraged to remain in the building in the unlikely event … Read More
Adventures of the Mind
To celebrate our summer theme “Adventures Begins at the Library,” Miss Lizzie will host 4 independent adventure camp programs. Sign up for any or all of them! Please see the website linked below to register. These 1-hour sessions are strictly for those entering grades four through nine and require advance registration. Guardians will not participate in the program but are encouraged to remain in the building in the unlikely event … Read More
Adventures in Chemistry
To celebrate our summer theme “Adventures Begins at the Library,” Miss Lizzie will host 4 independent adventure camp programs. Sign up for any or all of them! Please see the website linked below to register. These 1-hour sessions are strictly for those entering grades four through nine and require advance registration. Guardians will not participate in the program but are encouraged to remain in the building in the unlikely event … Read More
Story Time: You’re Invited!
Hi, everyone! And Happy New Year! Just a quick note from Miss Lizzie here. Our Story Time is now back in full swing Every Friday we’ll be sure to bring… New books and songs, goofy dance moves galore, Crafting and puppets and Legos and more! What can we build with just popsicle sticks? What is the secret to gooey slime mix? If you’re curious (and I love that you are!) … Read More