Sensory Friendly Storytime

Help Miss Lizzie develop a sensory-friendly storytime for your neurodivergent littles. Through board books, manipulatives, and more, we will explore our senses of hearing (quietly), touch (by choice), smell (in small doses), and sight. Registration is required, caregivers will be fully involved, and everyone must commit to creating a safe and judgment-free environment. Please register HERE Here is a visual schedule in case your kiddo(s) like to know things ahead of … Read More



Books, songs, and activities every Friday at 10 AM. Ideal for ages 3-6 but all are welcome!

Summer Storytime


Summer is here, and so is storytime! Keep brains active with good books and related activities, like arts and crafts, movement and music, and science experiments! Miss Lizzie can also incorporate Spanish vocabulary and bilingual books upon request. Storytime meets Fridays at 10AM. All ages and abilities are welcome! And don’t forget to grab a Frequent Storytime Reward card. Visit seven times to win prizes and make special storytime requests!

Storytime Changes April 26th and May 3rd

“Spring Into Reading” with us Friday, April 26th, 9:30AM to 1PM Several libraries throughout local counties will converge at the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA) for this big event designed for 4-8 year olds. Each library will bring something unique to experience: storytimes, free books and swag, arts and crafts, outdoor games, science experiments, music, bookmobiles, a storywalk, and more! Bring a lunch and join us outside on … Read More

Storytime Party!

For the past several weeks, we have focused on the elements of a good party: good food, good manners, decorations, dancing, and how to dress. Now it’s time to put those skills to work and throw a party! Everyone is invited! Please bring your family and friends! Friday, April 5th, 10 AM – 11 AM Bring a dish (if you can), and dress in whatever makes you feel the most … Read More

Learning Depot Story Time

Our Library is pleased to announce a second story time, now offered after school! Please join Miss Sara Beth in the Learning Depot every Tuesday at 4pm for an all-age story time with arts and crafts. Miss Sara has been a staple in the community since childhood and we are honored she’s joined our library, where she is thriving as she takes over some of our children’s programming. She is … Read More

HCPL on YouTube

Did you know your local library has a YouTube channel? All our videos are family-friendly and focus on Story Time, the Learning Depot, and arts and crafts projects. Please check it out here!

Spanish Services – Servicios en Español

Hello! ¡Hola! Want to learn or practice Spanish? ¿Le gusta aprender o practicar inglés? HCPL is looking to offer bilingual/Spanish services. Tell us what you want! HCPL quiere ofrecer servicios en español. ¡Diganos los que les gustarian! Please take this optional and anonymous survey to let us know what your interest level is in Spanish programming. Por favor, toma esta encuesta opcional y anónima para saber cuáles servicios de la … Read More

Story Time Will Return!

Please stay tuned: we’re currently looking to continue story time Fridays (10AM-11AM, ages 2 to 6) and we’ll post all about it as soon as we finish the schedule! Until then, checkout Miss Elizabeth and her best library buddies on YouTube!

Drop Your Drawers

It’s time to Drop Your Drawers at the library.  We will be taking donations of new in the package underwear for boys and girls sizes 4-16.  The underwear will be donated to our local family resource centers to support their mission of serving the families and students of Henry County. Our goal this year to provide each elementary school in the county with 250 pairs for a total donation of … Read More