Join Miss Lizzie to learn intermediate-level art concepts, including sculpture and fashion design! This program is for independent-minded students in 6th grade (by fall, 2025) through 12th (or just graduated). Each class will cover a different idea, so please register for any that pique your interest! Registration will open the last week of May. Please stay tuned!
Athletic Adventures
To celebrate our summer theme “Adventures Begins at the Library,” Miss Lizzie will host 4 independent adventure camp programs. Sign up for any or all of them! Please see the website linked below to register. These 1-hour sessions are strictly for those entering grades four through nine and require advance registration. Guardians will not participate in the program but are encouraged to remain in the building in the unlikely event … Read More
Adventures of the Mind
To celebrate our summer theme “Adventures Begins at the Library,” Miss Lizzie will host 4 independent adventure camp programs. Sign up for any or all of them! Please see the website linked below to register. These 1-hour sessions are strictly for those entering grades four through nine and require advance registration. Guardians will not participate in the program but are encouraged to remain in the building in the unlikely event … Read More
Art Adventures
To celebrate our summer theme “Adventures Begins at the Library,” Miss Lizzie will host 4 independent adventure camp programs. Sign up for any or all of them! Please see the website linked below to register. These 1-hour sessions are strictly for those entering grades four through nine and require advance registration. Guardians will not participate in the program but are encouraged to remain in the building in the unlikely event … Read More
Adventures in Chemistry
To celebrate our summer theme “Adventures Begins at the Library,” Miss Lizzie will host 4 independent adventure camp programs. Sign up for any or all of them! Please see the website linked below to register. These 1-hour sessions are strictly for those entering grades four through nine and require advance registration. Guardians will not participate in the program but are encouraged to remain in the building in the unlikely event … Read More
Summer Reading Challenge Comes to a Close
HCPL has been thrilled to host another summer of reading challenges for all ages with fun swag for each step along the way. All summer, you’ve been trying out science experiments, making art, volunteering, donating time and energy and goods, and stopping by for a range of activities here at the library. (Oh, and you’ve been reading thousands of hours, too!) As July comes to a close, don’t forget to … Read More