Messy Science!

Saturday, November 2nd, from 1 PM to 3 PM, learn scientific principles with messy, hands-on activities (the kind you wouldn’t want to do at home)!

This program is ideal for homeschoolers and students in grades 4 through 9 (with a few extra activities for younger siblings, just in case).

Science activities will require some supervision and spare clothes or smocks are recommended.

At 1 PM and 2 PM, learn about magnetics and oxidization with magnetic slime.

At 1:30 PM and 2:30 PM, create an exothermic reaction with “elephant toothpaste” (outside activity – weather permitting).

And explore volume (with liquids), gravity and energy (a marble run), and symmetry in nature!three scientific beakers with colorful liquid. Information says "Messy Science." The date says "Saturday, November 2nd, 1 to 3 PM." Extra information mentions attendees should dress to get messy.