Movers & Shakers

Move, groove, and learn with Ms. Sara as she leads the group through song, rhymes, finger plays, and more. Each session is designed to help the littlest learners get ready for school, through the practices of reading, talking, singing, and playing.


Books, songs, and activities every Friday at 10 AM. Ideal ages are 3-5 but all are welcome!

Movers & Shakers

Move, groove, and learn with Ms. Sara as she leads the group through song, rhymes, finger plays, and more. Each session is designed to help the littlest learners get ready for school, through the practices of reading, talking, singing, and playing.


Books, songs, and activities every Friday at 10 AM. Ideal ages are 3-5 but all are welcome!

Movers & Shakers

Move, groove, and learn with Ms. Sara as she leads the group through song, rhymes, finger plays, and more. Each session is designed to help the littlest learners get ready for school, through the practices of reading, talking, singing, and playing.


Books, songs, and activities every Friday at 10 AM. Ideal ages are 3-5 but all are welcome!


Books, songs, and activities every Friday at 10 AM. Ideal ages are 3-5 but all are welcome!


Books, songs, and activities every Friday at 10 AM. Ideal ages are 3-5 but all are welcome!


Books, songs, and activities every Friday at 10 AM. Ideal ages are 3-5 but all are welcome!


Books, songs, and activities every Friday at 10 AM. Ideal ages are 3-5 but all are welcome!


Books, songs, and activities every Friday at 10 AM. Ideal ages are 3-5 but all are welcome!


Books, songs, and activities every Friday at 10 AM. Ideal ages are 3-5 but all are welcome!